学校法人湖南学園 早稲田外語専門学校 日本語学科

About WFLC

WFLC at a Glance

Official Name: Gakkō-Hōjin Konan Gakuen Waseda Gaigo Senmon-Gakkō
Founded: 1992, (Japanese department established Apr. 2000)
President: Koyama Takashi
Address: 1-23-9 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 〒169-0075
Tel: 03-3208-8801
FAX: 03-3208-8807
E-mail: waseda.flc.ac.jp@gmail.com
URL https://www.waseda-flc.ac.jp/course/japanese/

History of WFLC

We provide a global environment for international exchange together with the Department of English.

WFLC was opened on April 1st, 1992 after receiving certification as a technical college by the governor of Tokyo. The school is a subsidiary of Konan Gakuen alongside Waseda Zeminar, a special vocational school with nearly a half-century of experience preparing students for entrance to university. WFLC was founded in recognition of the need for internationally-minded people, and aims to provide the means for young adults to equip themselves with practical computer knowledge for business, and the language skills necessary for effective international communication.

Our graduates continued to find success in financial fields such as international banking and stock trading, as well as at international hotels and trading and manufacturing companies. In April of 2000, our Japanese department was opened to offer courses for international students on both Japanese language and Japanese culture. As a result, our students have ample opportunity to interact and learn with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds.

Waseda Zeminar is a preparatory school that has earned its name among university-age students, having become well known enough to have appeared once in a television drama broadcast nationwide. The school was founded in 1953 by Mr. Koyama Keigo founded on the ideal expressed by Uchimura Kanzō when he said, “I for Japan, Japan for the world, the world for peace, and all for humanity.” The spirit with which he founded Waseda Zeminar has also been inherited by WFLC.

A Message from President

To all those who want to study Japanese in Japan:

Hello everyone. My name is Takashi Koyama, and I am the president of Waseda Foreign Language College. I would like to say a few words.

In Japanese, there is an expression, “I no naka no kawazu, taikai shirazu.” In English, it can be translated as, “The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.” The meaning is simple: a frog living inside of a small well has no knowledge of the great ocean, namely, the world. The expression teaches us that it is important to come out of our familiar surroundings and see what the world has to offer.

Now, all of you are like this frog, leaving your own countries with the enthusiasm to learn more about Japan. I think this determination is wonderful. I respect your drive, and your wisdom in recognizing that in order to learn more about a country, you need to learn the language.

Even for Japanese people, the Japanese language requires us to learn a lot. We need to use higarana, katakana, kanji, and sometimes the Roman alphabet. We also have consider how we speak with others, and, above all, we must be careful with honorific language.

Nevertheless, I am sure that the Japanese people you meet will be considerate and supportive. Therefore, I think you need not worry about making mistakes or being shy, and simply use the language you have learned and continue to learn.

Now, Japanese industry is seeking to expand from the small markets of Japan to the broader markets of the world. To this end, Japanese companies is in need of talented people with the ability to speak both Japanese and the languages of other countries and are eager to hire people with these skills. For all of you, this is a great employment opportunity.

It is my hope that at Waseda Foreign Language College, you will learn the Japanese skills you need under the guidance of our able and friendly teachers to make your move into the world at large.

I wish all of you luck and success in the future.

Special Features

From university to work, we will help you discover your future

At our school, student goals include not only entrance into university or specialized colleges, but also finding work, both in Japan or in students’ own countries. Thanks to our small class numbers, students will find the detailed support and instruction they need.

100% success rate for students seeking continuing education

WFLC offers personalized and detailed assistance for students seeking to enter graduate school, university, or other technical colleges, in the form of mock interviews and assistance in submitting applications and research plans.

Real guidance in career advancement

Our school offers expert guidance on finding work in Japan based on the work of specialists from the Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners, a part of the Japanese public employment service. We will also transport students looking for work to the employment center, assist in registration, and set up one-on-one interviews with job specialists.

Study with Japanese students in the English department

There are a number of Japanese students enrolled in the WFLC English department, located in the same building. This gives students studying Japanese the chance to interact with Japanese students and improve their skills naturally, even outside of class. School-wide events also provide ample opportunity for cross-cultural communication.

Learn English as an auditing or full-time student

Under our auditing program, students can learn both English and Japanese at the same time. Auditing in the English department also allows students to learn Korean, Chinese, or French as an additional language. Students graduating from the Japanese department may also easily move on to the English department. Learning both Japanese and English is a great way to increase career options.

For Comprehensive English Department website, Click here.

Great location between Shinjuku and Ikebukuro

International students will appreciate WFLC’s location in the Takadanobaba area of Tokyo, conveniently located between Shinjuku and Ikebukuro and known for its great number of schools. With the school’s women’s residence near by, students never need to worry.



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法政大学大学院 国際日本学インスティテュート 日本文学専攻

岩手大学 総合科学研究科修士課程 農学専攻 応用生物化学コース












2015年度 11名

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2018年度 17名

2019年度 18名

2020年度 10名




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学校法人東京芸術学園 音響芸術専門学校














